Products and Customers
Promoting the Health of Employees and End Consumers
TUNAP is actively committed to the health of employees and end consumers. Discover our wide range of allergen-free products and find out how we help to minimize irritation to the skin and respiratory tract.
TUNAP Sustainability Report | Social | GRI: 416-1 | GRI: 417

Always follow your nose!
Fragrances are an important topic in almost all everyday products since they can make marketing so easy. This is because smells have a direct effect on the subconsciousness of every person. The respective smell works directly in the brain and awakens feelings and memories that reason is unable to counteract.

The dark side of well-being
After nickel, fragrances are the second most common triggers of contact allergies. The number of people affected has risen alarmingly. Sensitised people suffer unpleasant, recurring reactions, such as irritations of the skin and airways. The fact that even tiny amounts are enough to trigger a reaction and that there is practically no cure is particularly problematic. In professional life, allergies can lead to occupational disability. Allergies are also inherited so that children of allergy sufferers are much more at risk of suffering from allergies themselves.

For several years, in the cosmetic industry allergenic fragrances must be listed as ingredients on the product label. The industry is discussing and implementing proposals to extend the list of fragrances that must be declared and is even considering banning particularly critical substances. The EC Detergent Regulation regulates the declaration of these substances for technical laundry and cleaning products. From a limit value of 0.01%, these substances must be listed on the label and in the safety data sheet. Other technical products are not subject to this declaration obligation.
In other words, sensitised users are forced to check each product thoroughly and hope that it contains no traces of allergens that could trigger a reaction.

Benefits of fragrances in products
Apart from the sales-promoting argument, there are very few reasons why fragrances have to be used at all in technical products. Only in very few cases do fragrances contribute to the function of a product, usually they are superfluous components.
Less is more: avoiding fragrance allergens and/or actually dispensing with all perfume oils has been a focal topic in the development department of TUNAP for many years. It is a challenge to develop formulations in such a way that they hide unpleasant smelling products without the use of fragrances and to make the product so superior that there is no need for the well-being sales pitch.

Success without allergenic fragrances
TUNAP now has a wide range of allergen-free products that are very popular among educated users and among occupational safety officers and various health associations. One example are the leading technical products for cleaning air conditioning systems in the airco well® range.

GRI: 416-1:
Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories
GRI: 417:
Marketing and Labeling