TUNAP in Times of Corona
Customer demand for disinfectants was enormous, especially in the first weeks after the lockdown. For the TUNAP employees, especially in the production areas, this period was extremely exhausting and intensive. However, the joint efforts have produced many positive results: the Wolfratshausen and Oberlichtenau factories have repeatedly donated disinfectants to nursing services and various medical and municipal facilities. As a company with regional roots it is a matter of course for TUNAP to make a contribution to overcoming the crisis..
The past three months have hit large parts of the German and global economy with full force. Production stoppages, missing customers and short-time work were and are the consequences in many companies.
Fortunately the TUNAP employees at the Wolfratshausen and Oberlichtenau sites were spared these specters. Quite the contrary: the corona-related demand for disinfectants even made it necessary to increase and relocate production capacities: in the Wolfratshausen production facility a temporary two-shift operation and a conversion of filling systems ensured higher output.

Customer demand for disinfectants was enormous, especially in the first weeks after the lockdown. For the TUNAP employees, especially in the production areas, this period was extremely exhausting and intensive.
However, the joint efforts have produced many positive results: the Wolfratshausen and Oberlichtenau factories have repeatedly donated disinfectants to nursing services and various medical and municipal facilities. As a company with regional roots it is a matter of course for TUNAP to make a contribution to overcoming the crisis.
As of today TUNAP has mastered the Corona era well. But are we also prepared for future challenges and what might they be? It is worthwhile to take a look at the larger, universal developments:
Globalisation, health and safety are three megatrends that not only shape our present but are also likely to continue to occupy our children and grandchildren.

A frequently repeated thesis is that Corona changes everything: the virus as an evolutionary accelerator. Futurologists diagnose that after - or better with - Corona the world will lead to the disruption of globalization. Consequently, the disruption of global networking through border closures and quarantines does not lead to isolation, but rather to a reorganization of connections: Supply chains are localized and regional production is booming. The system reorganizes itself towards "glocalization": a localization of the global.
Why has TUNAP so far been able to react so flexibly to the erratic demand for disinfectants? To stick with the term "glocalization": One reason was certainly that even before Corona, TUNAP had relied on a balanced ratio of local and international suppliers. The global shutdown and the capping of transnational supply chains could thus not become a knock-out criterion for the ongoing business operations.
Corona has also catapulted the general trends of health and sustainability to the top of the overall social agenda. With our vision and our range of products TUNAP can also offer suitable answers to these issues.
Our aim is to deliver the best quality and at the same time meet the highest standards of health and environmental compatibility - and not only in the disinfection range: just to mention the Human Technology® maintenance series, which brings people and technology into harmony, and the patented airco well® air conditioning cleaning system, a health-compatible and ECARF-certified method of cleaning air conditioning systems.
Corona is and remains a challenge for society as a whole. The fact that TUNAP is emerging from this stage of the crisis unscathed is due on the one hand to the production and development competence of the company and on the other hand to the commitment and dedication of our employees. The fundamental course set will continue to point in the right direction in the future.