"Internationalization - Next Phase"
On the 2nd and 3rd of July 2019, TUNAP headquarters hosted the future workshop "Internationalization - Next Phase". The goal of the event was to accompany our subsidiaries as they entered into a new age and to define a common strategic orientation.
Future Workshop at TUNAP Headquarters
Future Workshop at TUNAP Headquarters
Reading time: ca. 3 min. | An article from Christian Constantinescu, CEO TUNAP Group | TUNAP Blog
On the 2nd and 3rd of July 2019, TUNAP headquarters hosted the future workshop "Internationalization - Next Phase". The goal of the event was to accompany our subsidiaries as they entered into a new age and to define a common strategic orientation.

The future roadmap to be deployed should above all provide answers to the following questions:
Which existing TUNAP business areas, which have not yet been in the focus of our subsidiaries, can help to open up new market segments?
Which as of yet white spots on the map hold opportunities for future growth?

On the agenda were lectures, workshops as well as individual and small group discussions. As part of this process, colleagues from various divisions and departments enjoyed intense and fruitful dialogues with the international participants.
The managing directors and sales managers of our subsidiaries will, based on this exchange, work out their respective routes for future development - in order to seize opportunities for further growth with an extended product portfolio and possible geographic reorientations.

Newly established business development team at the headquarters provides reinforcement of this exciting journey into the future:
It will provide advice and assistance to our subsidiaries and plan the next steps in business development together with them.